Properly structuring your content requires a lot of research, interviews, and soul-searching. But there's a big payoff. When you take the time to structure your content, you get several benefits.
Content teams want landing pages to be dynamic and reflect the vision they have inside their heads. Organizations want brand consistency and standardization. How do we marry these desires together?
Content audits are essential to understanding and analyzing the quality of content you have on your website and are helpful in aligning the goals of your content with the needs of your audience.
Matt Kleve gets three front-end developers together who have been working hard on Drupal core and are excited about the great things newly released in Drupal 10.
Healthy Minds at Lullabot provided a dedicated platform for employees to receive mental health assistance through a number of avenues. What was the impact?
What your content team thinks of the website can make or break the long-term success of a project more than its design or external user experience. You should pay attention to the authoring UX.