Ease of Updates, Compounded Peace of Mind

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We look into the challenges and solutions in managing Drupal and other website updates across hundreds of websites, a topic brought to life by members of Lullabot's Support and Maintenance team and Jenna Tollerson from the State of Georgia.

Learn how Lullabot deals with update processes, drastically reducing manual labor while enhancing security and efficiency through automation.

"It's almost like adding another whole developer to your team!"

Episode Guests

David Burns

David Burns - Lullabot VP of Extended Support

David's career in Drupal spans over 18 years. His passion for business and technology led him to build Lullabot's Support & Maintenance department where he serves as the VP of Extended Support.

More about David

Cathy Theys

Cathy Theys with orange hair wearing a black blouse with white flowers in front of a gray background.

Cathy is the Support Team Manager at Lullabot, a natural problem-solver, and a Drupal contributor.

More about Cathy

Jason Blanda

A photograph of Jason Blanda, a 36 year old man with short brown hair, brown eyes, glasses and a tan sweater.

Jason Blanda is a front-end developer who has been developing websites since 2010 and has been involved with Drupal since 2013.

More about Jason

Jenna Tollerson

Headshot Photo of Jenna

Jenna Tollerson is the Engineering Lead for Digital Services Georgia. She writes and reviews functional code for GovHub, the state's official web publishing system. She also acts as a technical advisor for Digital Services Georgia strategic initiatives.