A Georgia.gov Case Study: Structured Content and Flexible Layouts

Editors say they want flexibility when creating content and landing pages, but this leads to a lack of consistency. Content is difficult to re-use. Your target audiences may be confused or ignored. But what if you could have flexible layouts and structured content?

Lullabot helped Georgia.gov develop a new landing page design tool that gave state agencies the power to customize their home pages, landing pages, and programs without breaking the mobile-friendly responsive design. Even with this flexibility, the structured content model made it possible to keep critical information up-to-date across websites and automatically expose rich metadata for search engines.

In this webinar, you will learn: 

  • How can I use research to inform decisions around editorial tooling? How do I meet the desires of editors while meeting the needs of other stakeholders and audiences?
  • What tools are available in Drupal to build flexible-yet-structured content?
  • What are the pros and cons of these tools, and how can I use them to improve my authoring experience?

Webinar Presenters

Greg Dunlap

Greg Dunlap wearing a teal button down shirt in front of a gray background.

Greg is the former Director of Strategy at Lullabot.

More about Greg

Marissa Epstein

Marissa Epstein is a woman in her mid-30s with long brown hair shaved on one side, wearing a purple and black blouse, purple cat-eye glasses, a silver necklace, and a smirk.

Senior User Experience Strategist at Lullabot. Marissa loves design research, organization, psychology tidbits, and snooty food.

More about Marissa

Rachel Hart

Rachel Hart headshot

Rachel Hart is the User Experience and User Interface Designer for Digital Services Georgia. She helps state agencies solve design, content, and user experience challenges with web design consultation, writing workshops, and platform-wide enhancements.

These days, Rachel spends most of her time leading the visual design effort for Orchard, Georgia's Design System, from designing and testing components to recommending agency page layouts. In the past, she's written and created visuals for the DSGa site, Georgia.gov, and each of their social media.

Rachel graduated from Ball State University with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in visual communication. Her artwork has appeared in local exhibitions and student publications, and in 2012 she was a Fulbright Special Program Participant.