What is a Drupal Site Builder?

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In this episode, Addison Berry is joined by Kyle Hofmeyer, Dave Burns, Jerad Bitner, and Sean Lange to discuss the deceptively simple question "What is a Drupal Site Builder?" This is a term that is bandied about quite a bit, but we wanted to try to zero in on what exactly a site builder does. We end up talking about several different roles that are often used around site-building, like themer, front-end developer, developer, and they relate to each other. In the process, Dave and Sean end up creating some new words too. What is a globulator?

Podcast notes

Introduction to Git series
Drupal.org D7 upgrade getting restarted
DrupalCon Portland training is open
Plan, Build, Launch: Real-world Drupal
Drupal Performance and Scalability with the Dream Team
Get Involved with Core sprint and workshop
Git with It workshop at MinneWebCon
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