Behind the Screens with Mauricio Dinarte of Agaric

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Hailing from Managua, Nicaragua, Mauricio Dinarte takes some time from his pilgrimage across Europe to talk to us about teaching people Drupal from the ground up, no matter what language you speak.

At BADCamp in October he'll be administering a training with Anna Mykhailova from Digital Echidna called "Getting Started with Drupal," then Thursday will be sitting in on the DevOps summit to talk about Behat testing.

If you don't have plans November 17 and 18, you can visit him in Managua at Lakes & Volcanoes Drupal Camp!

Many thanks to Felix Delattre (xamanu on for giving Mauricio his first big break in Drupal.

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Mauricio Dinarte

Mauricio Dinarte is a passionate Drupal developer, consultant, and trainer with over 7 years of web development experience. After completing his BS in Computer Science, graduating with the highest GPA among 181 students, he completed a Masters in Business Administration.