Module Monday: Word Link

It's a simple problem, but a tricky one: How can you ensure that special words and phrases, like your company's name or certain trademarks, are always linked to an appropriate web site when they're used in the text of an article? The easy answer is Word Link module: it lets you set up a custom glossary of terms that should be turned into links whenever the appear in text.

Screenshot of administration screen

Configuration is straightforward: once the module is turned on, administrators can choose what content types and what fields should receive the link treatment. Then word lists can be set up, each linking to a custom URL inside your site or on another server. Case-sensitive matching can be turned on and off for each word, and special "no-link" pages can be set up where the module won't apply its filtering. The result? Words are turned into links, wrapped in a special CSS tag that makes them easy to style, and you don't have to train your content administrators that "Our Company, Inc." should always link to the main corporate site.

Screenshot of resulting change to site

The design of Word Link -- each linked word and phrase is its own custom record with unique settings -- means that it's best suited to a small but import list of names, key phrases, and so on rather than a massive glossary. The module also features a handy "only link the first n instances to the word" option, but in the current release that feature isn't working correctly. That said, it's a clean and self-contained solution to the problem that won't interfere with the rest of your editing tools!

There is a Word Link video on Drupalize.Me which shows how to use this module.

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