Seth Brown on Project Management Tips and Qualifying Clients

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Lullabot's Seth Brown talks about some project management tips as well as the criteria that he uses when evaluating whether or not a potential client would be a good fit for Lullabot. He uses the acronym of NATM+C, which stands for Need, Authority, Timeframe, Money and Culture, and he explains how these qualifying criteria can help ensure that the working relationship would be a mutually beneficial fit. He also summarizes some of the major points and tips that came out in the Strategies for Client Management panel discussion at DrupalCon Chicago.

Brown also talks about his experiences about the differences between project managing virtual teams versus co-located teams, and what aspects of scrum are better suited for co-located teams and some of the workarounds for adapting agile processes for a virtual environment. He also talks about the consensus-based estimation technique called the "Wideband Delphi method," which is explained in more detail in Brown's recent article called "The Art of Estimation." Finally, Brown talks about some of the differences between project managing many smaller projects versus focusing on one enterprise-sized project.