Jen Simmons on HTML5 and Drupal

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Jen Simmons gives more information about HTML5 and highlights from her Rockin' HTML5 with Drupal presentation at DrupalCon Chicago. She talks a bit about the HTML Tools module, which works with the Elements module, as well as the HTML5 Base theme. Simmons also talks about some of the plans for HTML5 in Drupal 8 as well as the larger trend of websites moving more towards creating "app"-like functionality, which can be achieved with a combination HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript. For more information on HTML5 and Drupal, then be sure to check out the HTML5 group on as well as the outline for Simmons' Core Conversation talk called Let's HTML5-ify Drupal!

UPDATE: For more information on the HTML5 in Drupal 8, then be sure to check out Jacine Luisi's blog post on the HTML5 Drupal 8 Initiative or Dries' HTML5 in Drupal 8 annoucement.