Greg Dunlap on the Services Module and Mobile Apps

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Greg Dunlap (aka heyrocker) talks about the Services module, which is a way to make your Drupal site more "mashable" by either pulling in external data or serving it out. The services module is great if you need to integrate with an external application or if you need to provide service callbacks through a variety of different interfaces such as XMLRPC, JSON, JSON-RPC, REST, SOAP or AMF.

The services module was originally used frequently to have Drupal as a back end to drive a Flash front end, and now it's being used a lot to use Drupal as a back end for driving mobile applications on the iPhone, Android, and other mobile app platforms.

Dunlap gives a brief overview of the services module, future plans and the new version of services, and the Drupal 7 port. The corporate sponsorship that he mentions in the podcast is still pending, but if there are other companies or organizations who would like to see further development and documentation for the services module can feel free to contact Dunlap via his @heyrocker Twitter.

For more information, be sure to check out this DrupalCon presentation on Drupal as a web services platform using the Services module