Alex Karshakevich on Open Band's module stack

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Alex Karshakevich of Open Band Labs talks about the distributed collaboration tool that they host and provide for enterprises. Open Band's Drupalcon presentation was entitled "Powering collaboration in a distributed enterprise".

Alex talks about some of the 200+ modules that they use on their robust communications platform as well as some of their test-driven development and test-driven integration.

Modules mentioned:
File Framework
Webmail Plus
XMPP framework + eJabberd configuration
XMPP client
a suite of OpenID modules
Distributed Search
LDAP provisioning
LDAP integration
ApacheSolr + Solr configuration
Sign Up
Feed API

For more information:
Open Band Labs
Interview with Ivan Labra
Placeholder for OpenBand Install profile

Module lists from associated developers:
OpenBand Labs, miglius, darren.ferguson, geodaniel, scripthead, Chris Johnson, alex.k, bhuga, yarimbiyik & arto
