Module Monday: Automatic Entity Label

Whether you’re creating a complicated content workflow or just trying to limit the ability of your editors to write silly things in title fields, at some point you've probably wanted to automate the tedium of naming entities manually. Heck, sometimes you don’t even want to look at that field. That’s where Automatic Entity Label comes in.

This module does two things: it hides the label or title field on any entity’s edit form, and lets you specify a pattern to populate that field automatically. Creating patterns for entity titles is a great way to maintain consistency across lots of content: it avoids the need for complex validation rules on manually-written titles and labels.

auto_entitylabel in action

After installing Automatic Entity Label, you’ll have some new settings for your existing entities regarding how you’d like to handle labels. This module doesn't change any title or label behavior by default, so you’ll need to set up its behavior for each entity and bundle. (Comments, Article nodes, Taxonomy terms and so on.)

auto_entitylabel's edit screen

Drupal's tokens can be used to build the title and label patterns, so site builders can chain together the contents of other fields to build complex titles. Additionally, if the site builder has permission to use PHP code, custom snippets can be used to generate the automatic titles.

Automatic Entity Label is a simple, easy-to-configure module that does its job well. If you want to save your editors a bit of time, or enforce consistent naming and labeling rules on an entity type, check it out!

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